
Magaizine and Newsprint Advertising Campaigns

The following advertisements were typically issued into multiple markets, across varying  publications, each having individual mechanical sizes and design requirements. While only one example per design is shown below, a given design may have had many different versions including black and white versions not shown here.

AIG – United Guaranty
National Campaigns for Financial Services Industry Leader

Financed Buydowns

Legislation / MI Compare

Forget Everything

Dirty Word / Six Weeks

Financed Buydowns / 40th Anniversary

Hinge and Door Manufacturer

"Quality Etched in Time"

Choose "Made in the USA"

American Pride / Honest to Goodness

E-Ton America
Motorsports Manufacturer
ZÈLE – Absinthe X
Adult Beverage

Absinthe X - High Times Magazine

Orthopedic Specialties
Medical Practice

Silver Shoulder

Greet the Sun / Muscle Definition

Automotive Newsprint
Demanding production schedules, tight deadlines, last minute revisions, and strict brand / legal standards.

An Endless Stream of Bi-Weekly Dealership Ads

Balto Study
Drug Research Study Recruitment

"How Much Strength is Left in Your Bones?" Drug Research Study Recruitment Ads

University of South Carolina Spartanburg

Recruitment Ads

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